30일 라마단 기간에 무슬림을 위한 기도(영어원문)


2013년도 라마단동안에

제공 오픈도어선교회 http://www.opendoorsusa.org


July 9



“And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father,

Jesus Christ the righteous.” (1 John 2:1)

In Pakistan, many Christians fear the blasphemy law.

These laws are often used against them in battles over

land, possessions, or simply to end a dispute. As Muslims

fast from sunrise to sunset during the Ramadan season,

tensions can run especially high due to the long periods

of sunlight, averaging 14 hours each day. Pray today, in

the name of Jesus, for goodwill and justice to prevail

His people.


July 10


(Saudi Arabia)

“’I am the Alpha and the
Omega,’ says the Lord God ….”

(Revelation 1:8a)

Five times a day Muslims
around the world face toward

Mecca, the holiest city in
Islam, to pray. Today, during

your time of prayer, ask that
Gods spirit descend upon

all the people of Saudi Arabia
and abroad. During this

season of Ramadan, as Muslims
seek the truth, pray

that they will know the True
God. Pray also for Christians

living in Saudi Arabia to
embody the essence of God in

their speech, actions and
thoughts, allowing Him to be

revealed to all.


July 11



“…’who is, and who was, and
who is to come, the Almighty.’”

(Revelation 1:8b).

The Islamic Republic of
Afghanistan does not recognize any

Afghan citizens as being Christians,
nor are Afghan citizens

legally permitted to convert
to Christianity. In Afghanistan,

no visible Christian church
exists outside of diplomatic walls

and foreign military bases.
Yet, the church does exist! Afghani

believers take great risks to
meet in small groups; others

worship in secret. Many feel
isolated or alone. Today, and

during the Ramadan season,
pray for these believers to be

filled with His Almighty


July 12


(Palestine Territories)

“Here is my servant whom I
have chosen, the one I love,

in whom I delight; I will put
my Spirit on him, and he will

proclaim justice to the
nations.” (Matthew 12:18)

From the days that Jesus
walked on earth to today, Christians

living in Palestinian
Territories have struggled. And now, since

the Islamic militant Hamas
seized power, there are growing

fears among Gaza Christians
that their rapidly shrinking

community could disappear
altogether through emigration

and conversions. Pray today
for these embattled believers,

reminding them that they, like
Jesus, are Beloved.


July 13



“Jesus said to them,…‘it is my
Father who gives you the true

bread from heaven.’” (John

Somewhere inside Somalia,
secret believers arrive at the

agreed meeting place. Under
great care the leader opens a

folded piece of paper and
begins to share from it. This is the

only copy of the written Word
they have. In Somalia, wracked

by famine, crime, and
hopelessness, these believers cling

to His Word. Pray today for
these struggling believers, that

although their stomachs may
often be empty, they have the

“Bread of Life.”


July 14



“The stone the builders
rejected has become the cornerstone

…” (Psalm 118:22)

Turkey’s landscape is dotted
with battlegrounds, ruined

castles and palaces of great
empires. It is where Achilles

battled the Trojans; Ottomans
built empires and Constantine

established the center of
Roman government and the

emerging Christian church.
Today, Turkey is a bridge between

nations in the Middle East,
Central Asia and the West. Once

a hope of the Christian world,
it is now 99.6% Muslim. Pray

today for the name of Jesus,
the Cornerstone of His Church, to

be reestablished, and
glorified in Turkey.

July 15



“For to us a child is born…And
he will be called Wonderful

Counselor.” (Isaiah 9:6)

The Coptic Orthodox Church of
Egypt, founded in the first

century, is considered to be
one of the oldest churches in the

world. Egypt was once a safe
haven for Jesus, and has been

a safe haven for Christians
for almost 2,000 years. But, since

the Arab Spring revolutionary
demonstrations and with the

arrival of a government
determined to impose Islamic law, the

Christian community has seen
both their freedom and security

slip away. Pray that Egyptian
Christians will rely on His wisdom

as they reach out to their
neighbors…in the name of Jesus…

during Ramadan.


July 16



“Through him all things were
made.” (John 1:3)

Iran has been inhabited since
near the creation of man.

Scientist date the habitation
of the land to 4,000 BC. Scripture

tells us of kings and rulers
who God placed in power to govern

this ancient land. Today it is
ruled by Islamic clerics who seek

to oppress not only its
citizens, but in particular, the Christian

community. Pray during Ramadan
that Iranian Christians will

find solace in Jesus; that
through the power of His name, many

will be drawn to the Creator
of all things.



July 17



“…and in this way all Israel
will be saved… ‘The deliverer will