필리핀 태풍지역 여름단기선교 모집영상


영상 아래에는 영문으로 단기선교팀 모집에 대한 내용을 보실수 있습니다. 

출석하시는 교회의 2세들(청년, 대학부, 고등부)에게 전달해주시고 많이 홍보부탁합니다. 

기간: 6-8월중 매월 3주, 출발: LA, 선교지: 필리핀 태풍피해지역, 귀국시 한국경유(영어캠프) 

팀원수: 각 팀당 10명  대상: High School – College, 비용: $3,000 (비행기표, 숙박비 포함), 선교훈련: 2월말부터 매주 토요일 (SON Ministry 에서, 원거리 훈련도 가능함) 신청: sonministry@gmail.com  

주관: SON Ministry/GMAN 영상제작: SON Ministry/GMAN 


Philippines Mission 2014 from Brian Kimskey on Vimeo.

Typhoon devastated country of Philippines. This year we are bringing both relief and hope as we deliver the manpower, supplies and the Gospel. You can be a part of this mission humanitarian trip.  SON Ministry has been working closely with relief organization with mission purpose for nearly every major disaster areas.

Can I go?
Yes! If you have the heart for it, God is calling you. If you are 16 year old or over and a born-again Christian with proper immigration status, you qualify. Under 16 must have parent and pastoral recommendation letters. This is a 2-3 week trip over the Summer in June, July and August totaling 3 trips. If you can make the time and you heart goes out to the souls of Philippines, join us.

Where are we going?
To the relief centers and established churches in the devastated regions of Philippines. Our SON Ministry staff will go with you and our missionaries will meet you when you land.

What will we be doing?
There is much to do in Philippines. From children camps to construction projects to door-to-door evangelism and to distributing supplies. The July trip also includes a trip to South Korea for a 10 day English Ministry camp at no additional cost.

How much will this cost and how much time?
The trip is estimated to cost $2999 which is all inclusive. From airfare, transportation, accommodations, food, etc.

Will there be fundraising?
There will be fundraising assistance. Mission is a journey of faith and how God fulfills the cost of your mission is part of the journey. It is an incredibly rewarding experience.

Do I really qualify?
All you need is the heart and compassion from Jesus Christ. Did God call you?  Does your heart go out to the people of Philippines?  All you need to say is YES and God can use you.  Jesus Christ is all the qualification you need.

I’m Ready! How can I get more info?
Contact us. Email sonministry@gmail.com and we’ll send you more information as they develop.


Philippines Mission 2014 from Brian Kimskey on Vimeo.