Step 1 – God loves you 하나님은 당신을 사랑하십니다


첫번째 영상 – 하나님은 당신을 사랑하십니다
이 영상은 빌리 그래함 목사의 
빌리그래함복음주의협회(BGEA)에서 인터넷으로 전도하기 위해 제작한 온라인 전도영상(으로 이 영상을 통해서 예수 그리스도를 영접한 이들의 수가 지난 11월 16일(2014년)으로 약 5백만명을 넘어섰다고 한다. 현재 매일 2만명 이상이 영상을 접하고 있고 실제로 지난 2014년 10월 이라크에서 45 000명 시리아에서 34 000명 사우디아라비아에서 33 000명이 PeaceWithGod.net을 통해서 예수 그리스도의 복음을 접할 수 있었다고 한다. 

Does God love me? The answer is in the Bible God’s Word to us:

“I have loved you with an everlasting love.” — Jeremiah 31:3

God loves you and He loves you with a love beyond understanding because there is no human love comparable to divine love. He wants to forgive you. He wants to have a relationship with you.

God is love.” — 1 John 4:16

It doesn’t make any difference how far you try to run from God. He loves you. His eye is on you. He sees you. God loves you and the Bible says that God sent His Son Jesus Christ from heaven to this earth for you. Christ came to this earth to pay for your sins on a cross. God has a plan for your life.

“‘For I know the plans I have for you ’ declares the Lord. ‘Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.’” — Jeremiah 29:11

God created you in His image and you are important to God.

Indeed the very hairs of your head are numbered.” — Luke 12:7

God knows who you are. He knows your name and everything about you. He cares for you.