Get with the program


오늘의 영어 표현은 get with the program입니다.

Before we find out what today’s expression means let’s listen to a conversation that Jason and Mike had. 그럼 오늘의 대화를 들어보면서 ‘get with the program’ 이 무슨 뜻인지 알아 보겠습니다. 잘 들어보세요. Listen carefully.

Get with the program
Mike: I’m finally getting a smartphone tomorrow.
Jason: Finally! Everyone has a smartphone now so it’s time for you to get with the program.
Mike: Yes you’re right.
Jason: Plus you can do so much with it. You’ll be able to browse the Internet check emails and much more!
Mike: I’m looking forward to it.

본문에서 Mike가 Jason에게 “I’m finally getting a smartphone tomorrow. 야 나 드디어 스마트 폰 산다.”라고 하자 Jason이 “Finally! Everyone has a smartphone now so it’s time that you get with the program. 그래 요즘 스마트 폰 없는 사람이 어딨니. 시대 변화에 맞춰 살아야지.”라고 하네요. Mike가 “Yes you’re right. 네 말이 맞아.”라고 합니다. 이어Jason이 “Plus you can do so much with it. 아 그리고 그걸로 얼마나 많은 걸 할 수 있는데. You’ll be able to browse the Internet check emails and much more! 인터넷도 검색하고 이메일도 확인할 수 있어. 그 외에도 할 게 아주 많아.”라고 하더라고요. Keep today’s expression ‘get with the program’ in mind and let’s hear the conversation again. 그럼 다시 한번 대화를 들어볼까요?  

Get with the program
Mike: I’m finally getting a smartphone tomorrow.
Jason: Finally! Everyone has a smartphone now so it’s time for you to get with the program.
Mike: Yes you’re right.
Jason: Plus you can do so much with it. You’ll be able to browse the Internet check emails and much more!
Mike: I’m looking forward to it.

Today’s expression is get with the program. Today’s expression has several meanings. It means to accept new ideas give attention or more effort to what is happening now or to understand something or someone. Get with the program 은 뜻이 몇 가지 있는데요. 새로운 것을 받아들이다 지금 일어나는 일에 주목하다 라는 의미와 현재 필요한 걸 위해 더욱 더 힘쓰다 그리고 마지막으로 사람이나 사물에 대해 이해하다 라는 뜻을 들 수 가 있습니다. 본문에서 Jason이 시대에 뒤처져 있는Mike에게 “Everyone has a smartphone now so it’s time for you to get with the program. 요즘 스마트 폰 없는 사람이 어딨니. 시대 변화에 맞춰 살아야지.”라고 했죠. 이렇게 Mike처럼 흐름에 뒤떨어져서 새로운 것을 잘 안 받아들이는 사람에게 쓸 수 있는 표현이 바로 ‘get with the program’입니다.  자 여기서 예문을 들어 볼까요? Let me give you an example. “I’ve told you so many times to put empty soda cans in the recycling bin. Come on get with the program!” 라고 하면 “빈 음료수 깡통은 재활용 용기에 넣으라고 몇 번을 말했니. 이젠 알아들어야지.”라는 뜻이 됩니다. Now you know what the expression ‘get with the program’ means right? Then we will listen to the conversation for the last time.

Get with the program
Mike: I’m finally getting a smartphone tomorrow.
Jason: Finally! Everyone has a smartphone now so it’s time for you to get with the program.
Mike: Yes you’re right.
Jason: Plus you can do so much with it. You’ll be able to browse the Internet check emails and much more!
Mike: I’m looking forward to it.

Let’s review. ‘Get with the program’ means to accept new ideas give attention or more effort to what is happening now or to understand something or someone. GET WITH THE PROGRAM. Now try using the expression on your own. 그럼 다음 시간에 다시 뵙겠습니다. 지금까지  ENGLISH WITH YOO에 Jennifer Yoo입니다. Bye bye!