Purim & Shalom Publishing House


Shalom Friends & Family!!!
Thank you for your prayers and support.
I’ve been blessed to serve the LORD in the Holy Land and have a much joy to be a His servant.
Praise the LORD God our Savior!!!
It’s time to update the journey of life with His grace from the Holy Land.

Here is my Praise..
I had a blessed time with the Jewish family when I am staying their house in Shoresh which is located outside of Jerusalem on the top of mountain.

Here is my beautiful Jewish family…
Ahuva ( Meaning of love in Hebrew female name) is my Jewish friend over years, smart & sweet lady, a former school teacher over 30 years, have two college children, she is a first born child with brother and sisters, they are living closed each other in the same Shoresh Village.

Her mom, Hava is also first born child in her family (80 years old) so she has many younger brothers and sisters, she came to this place to settle down on 1948 at the same year of Israel’s birth, she is still living by herself in here.

My friend, Ahuva was born in Moshav Shoresh (small village) 62 years ago, raised up and married to live with family!!!

Therefore I am very happy to serve them in His Almighty Name.
She is taking me wherever she goes so I involve many different activities in the Jewish community.
They are not religious Jewish so I can share my faith with them whenever God gave me opportunity. Also we attend Shabbat Service and have a fellowship together with Jewish community after service @Synagogue.

Ahuva and Batya (Sister of Ahuva) invited many women to their house for giving the Swedish Massage treatment with the beautiful Music of Instrument Hymns and the Almighty of His Healing Hands, the LORD God uses me with His Anointing Oil and Power by the Holy Spirit.

Jewish Women melted their body and soul as soon as I touched them and fallen sleep with peaceful mind and body because of the Full of Holy Spirit touched them. Swedish Massage Treatment is a Great Tool to build up relationship with Jewish women for the Great Commission.

I thankful to God that allowed me to learn Swedish Massage Therapy and get a certify person to share His Love and His Blessing for His people.
Here is my Prayer Request:
1. Mission Business: Purim & Shalom Publishing House (Published & Translated Electronic books), I already opened publishing house and will be published the first book of mine (Israel & Jewish Studies) soon.
To help believers and mission workers for published e-books.
To Love and Support Israel and Jewish people with the Heart of God, let them know the Love of God and His purpose of Salvation thru Believers.
To share the Great Commission for All the nations from One Seed of Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3), it Must go to Jew First, then Gentile (Romans 1:16), then All Israel will be saved when the second coming of Messiah (Romans 11:26)
I need a wisdom and patience to maintain it by the Spirit of God, His Grace, and His Mercy for the Global Network & Publishing Mission Books.

2. the future adventure of study for the fall semester with Bible Department @ Bar Ilan University in Israel
It will be excited what The Lord has a plan for me in the Holy Land among His people thru PHD Biblical Studies.
Need to manage of time, transportation, tuition, and wisdom.

3. Praying & Looking for the place of Women’s Healing Center (Purim & Shalom House for Women, resting and retreated physically and spiritually when they come to the place) in the Holy Land.
It will be the Swedish Massage Treatment Center and Fellowship House for the Jewish Women, the Bible Study and Prayer House with Jewish and Gentile Believers.
I saw the place called Malron Dilot (Hotel style apartment), it’s already furnished 2 bed room apartment with living room, balcony, separated garage, central a/c & heating, outside swimming pool, and beautiful mountain view.
It’s located on the top of mountain in Moshav Shoresh.

To buying is 700,000 NIS ($200,000), it’s a very good price and condition!!!
Rent is 3500 NIS ($1000)/month.
Ahuva’s friend is owner of apartment.
Waiting on His blessings to come!!!

4. Recording and Reporting a file to GMAN Radio Mission Network, I will be a reporter and teacher of the weekly Israel New of the Holy Land Life about happenings, events, cultures, traditions, and modern Hebrew lessons among the Jewish Community.
GMAN interviewed me about the Journey of the Holy Land and published on YouTube on March, after interviewed, they offed to me to be a reporter for the Global Mission Network Project and I finally accept their offer today. It takes time to prepare and put so much wisdom and strength to make a file to sending out…

It will be a big project for the future Hebrew lessons and Jewish Studies.So many mission workers and believers are going to access to GMAN Global Network. Modern Global Network has been changed the Modern Mission field in the World since IT industry developed with smart phone and electronic books. Global Mission will be work together for One Purpose of the Great Mission as One Body and One Spirit with His Grace and Mercy. I need a assistance and quite place for a recording a file.

5. Trip to Dallas & Baltimore on September & October (9/3-11/7) for sharing, serving, and leading conference and meetings about the Story of Holy Land and Jewish Studies. Following the Will of God & be Flexible to serve the LORD our Savor while traveling place to place.

Apply for Israel Student Visa to Israel Embassy in USA.

Also I am in the transaction period from Baltimore to Dallas, then moving some books for the future studies in Israel..

I can’t wait to see you…


In His Love and Grace

Esther Jeong

The Head of Director & Editor, Writer
Purim & Shalom Publishing House
Published & Translated Electronic Books
972-50-933-0520 ISRAEL
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“Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem” Psalms 122:6