found my feet

Welcome to ENGLISH WITH YOO! 안녕하세요 English with Yoo!의 Jennifer Yoo입니다.
오늘의 표현은 found my feet입니다.

Today, we are going to learn a fun expression but before we find out what it means, let’s listen to today’s conversation. 그럼 오늘의 대화를 들어보면서 ‘found my feet’가 무슨 뜻인지 알아 보겠습니다. 잘 들어보세요.

Found my feet
Jen: Wow, it’s already been a year since you’ve moved to New York!
Jason: You’re right. It’s been a year already. Time flies!
Jen: Did it take long to find your feet there?
Jason: It was difficult the first few months but I eventually found my feet.
Jen: That’s good to hear.

오늘 본문에서 제가 “Wow, it’s already been a year since you’ve moved to New York! 와! 네가 뉴욕으로 이사간 지 벌써 1년이 됐구나.”라고 하자, Jason 이 “You’re right. It’s been a year already. Time flies! 맞아. 벌써 1년이 됐네. 세월 참 빠르다!”라고 맞장구를 칩니다. 이어서 제가 “Did it take long to find your feet there? 그 곳에 적응하느라 오래 걸렸니?”라고 묻자 Jason이 “It was difficult the first few months but I eventually found my feet. 처음 몇 달은 힘들었지만 결국 잘 적응하고 있어.”라고 하네요. 그러자 제가 “That’s good to hear. 반가운 말이다. 잘됐어.”라고 합니다. Now keep today’s expression, ‘found my feet’ in mind and let’s hear the conversation again. 그럼 다시 한번 대화를 들어볼까요?

Found my feet
Jen: Wow, it’s already been a year since you’ve moved to New York!
Jason: You’re right. It’s been a year already. Time flies!
Jen: Did it take long to find your feet there?
Jason: It was difficult the first few months but I eventually found my feet.
Jen: That’s good to hear.

Today’s expression is found my feet. When you say that you’ve found your feet it means you have become comfortable or confident in what you are doing. It can also mean that you’ve become familiar with a new place or situation. ‘무엇을 찾다’는 뜻의 동사find의 과거형은 found죠. 그래서 ‘found my feet’ 을 직역하면 ‘내 발을 찾았다.’, 즉 ‘새로운 상황에 익숙해졌다’ 또는 ‘하는 일에 자신감이 생겼다’는 뜻으로 쓰입니다. In today’s conversation Jason tells me that he has found his feet in New York. That means that he has become comfortable and familiar living in the new city. 오늘 본문에서 제가 Jason에게 뉴욕에 적응하는 데 오래 걸렸냐고 묻자, Jason은 솔직히 처음 몇 달은 힘들었지만 결국은 잘 적응하고 있다고 합니다. “It was difficult the first few months but I eventually found my feet.”라고요. 이렇게 새로운 상황이나 환경에 잘 적응하고 익숙해질 때 쓸 수 있는 표현이 바로 ‘find feet’ 또는 ‘found feet’입니다.

Now let’s listen to some example sentences using today’s expression, found my feet. 그럼 예문을 통해 오늘 표현을 좀 더 자세히 알아보겠습니다. “I wasn’t quite sure whether or not I wasn’t going to find my feet here in this new company.” 라는 문장은 “난 새 회사에 잘 적응할 수 있을지 없을지 잘 몰랐었어.”라는 뜻입니다. Here is another example sentence. “Did it take you long to find your feet when you started a new school?”라는 질문은 “새 학교에 적응하는 데 얼마나 걸렸냐?”는 의미입니다. ‘Found feet’, 이 표현 잘 기억하시고요. 마지막으로 오늘의 대화를 다시 한 번 들어보겠습니다. Now that you know what today expression means is, let’s listen to the conversation for the last time.

Found my feet
Jen: Wow, it’s already been a year since you’ve moved to New York!
Jason: You’re right. It’s been a year already. Time flies!
Jen: Did it take long to find your feet there?
Jason: It was difficult the first few months but I eventually found my feet.
Jen: That’s good to hear.

Let’s review what we have learned today. When you say that you’ve found your feet it means you have become comfortable or confident in what you are doing. FIND FEET. FOUND FEET. Now try using this expression on your own. 지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO에 Jennifer Yoo입니다. Until next time, bye bye!