you name it

Hi everyone! This is Jennifer Yoo with ENGLISH WITH YOO! 안녕하세요 English with Yoo!의 Jennifer Yoo입니다.
오늘의 표현은 you name it입니다.

Before we find out what today’s expression means, let’s listen to today’s conversation. 그럼 오늘의 대화를 들어보면서 ‘you name it’이 무슨 뜻인지 알아보겠습니다. 잘 들어보세요. Listen carefully.

You name it
Jen: Can I get something to drink?
Jason: Of course. Whatever it is – you name it.
Jen: Really?
Jason: Yes. I have orange juice, soda, water, beer, wine – you name it.
Jen: I’ll take a glass of wine. Thank you.

본문에서 제가 Jason에게 “Can I get something to drink? 나 뭐 마실 거 좀 줄래?”라고 하자 Jason은 “Of course. Whatever it is – you name it. 물론이지! 뭐든지 말만 해.”라고 합니다. 제가 “Really? 정말?”이라고 하자 Jason은 “Yes. I have orange juice, soda, water, beer, wine – you name it. 응. 오렌지주스, 탄산음료, 물, 맥주, 와인 다 있어.”라고 합니다. 저도 “I’ll take a glass of wine. Thank you. 나는 와인 한 잔 줘. 고마워.”라고 대답했습니다.

Now keep today’s expression ‘You name it’ in mind and let’s hear the conversation again. 그럼 다시 한번 대화를 들어볼까요?

You name it
Jen: Can I get something to drink?
Jason: Of course. Whatever it is – you name it.
Jen: Really?
Jason: Yes. I have orange juice, soda, water, beer, wine – you name it.
Jen: I’ll take a glass of wine. Thank you.

Today’s expression is you name it. This is common expression that is used to say there are many things to choose from. It simply means ‘anything’. You name it은 ‘무엇이든지’, ‘네가 말하는 건 전부’라는 뜻입니다. 그러니까 다양한 종류가 있다는 것을 강조할 때, 혹은 상대방의 웬만한 요구를 다 들어줄 수 있을 때 쓰는 표현입니다.

오늘 본문에서 제가 좀 마실 게 있냐고 묻자 Jason은 “물론이지! 뭐든지 말만 해.”라고 합니다. 영어로 “Of course. Whatever it is – you name it.”라고요. 이렇게 무엇이든지 말만 해봐 라고 할 때 또는 종류가 많다는 것을 강조할 때 쓰는 표현이 ‘You name it’입니다.

Now let me give you some example sentences using today’s expression. “Jessica, whatever it may be – you name it. I’ll do it for you.” 라는 문장을 해석하면 “Jessica, 뭐든지 말만 해. 내가 널 위해 해줄게.”라는 뜻입니다. Here is another example sentence. “Tina owns flower shops, hair salons, coffee shops, you name it.”는 “Tina는 꽃집, 미용실, 커피숍 등등을 전부 소유하고 있어.”로 해석할 수 있습니다. Now that you know what today’s expression means, let’s listen to the conversation for the last time.

You name it
Jen: Can I get something to drink?
Jason: Of course. Whatever it is – you name it.
Jen: Really?
Jason: Yes. I have orange juice, soda, water, beer, wine – you name it.
Jen: I’ll take a glass of wine. Thank you.

Let’s review what we have learned today. This is common expression that is used to say there are many things to choose from. It simply means ‘anything’. YOU NAME IT. Keep this expression in mind and try using it on your own. 지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO에 Jennifer Yoo입니다. Until next time, bye bye!