Take a toll on someone (or something)


Hi this is Jennifer Yoo with ENGLISH WITH YOO! 안녕하세요 English with Yoo!의 Jennifer Yoo입니다.
오늘의 표현은 Take a toll on someone (or something) 입니다.

Before we find out what it means to Take a toll on someone (or something), let’s listen to today’s conversation. Listen carefully. 그럼 오늘의 대화를 들어보면서 ‘Take a toll on ~’이 무슨 뜻인지 알아보겠습니다. 잘 들어보세요.

Take a toll on someone (or something)
Jen: I’ve noticed that you’re working on the computer for long hours everyday. If you keep doing that it’s going to take a toll on your eyesight.
Jason: Yes, You’re right. It will take a toll on my eyesight. I should try to reduce my time in front of a computer.

본문에서 제가 Jason과 대화중인 데요. 제가 Jason에게 “I’ve noticed that you’re working on the computer for long hours everyday. 내가 보니까 너 매일 오랫동안 컴퓨터로 일하더라. If you keep doing that it’s going to take a toll on your eyesight. 계속 그러면 시력에 안 좋을 거야.”라고 하자 Jason은 “Yes, You’re right. It will take a toll on my eyesight. I should try to reduce my time in front of a computer. 네 말이 맞아. 시력이 나빠지겠지. 컴퓨터 앞에 있는 시간을 줄이려고 노력해야겠어.”라고 말했습니다.

Now keep today’s expression ‘take a toll on ~’ in mind and let’s hear the conversation again. 그럼 다시 한번 대화를 들어볼까요?

Take a toll on someone (or something)
Jen: I’ve noticed that you’re working on the computer for long hours everyday. If you keep doing that it’s going to take a toll on your eyesight.
Jason: Yes, You’re right. It will take a toll on my eyesight. I should try to reduce my time in front of a computer.

Today’s expression is Take a toll on someone (or something). Take a toll on someone (or something) is to have a bad effect on someone or something. It could also mean to cause damage or wear by using something or by hard living.

어떤 행동이 느끼지 못하는 사이에 누군가에게 부정적인 영향을 미치거나, 좋지 않은 결과를 가져올 때가 있습니다. 그럴 때 쓸 수 있는 표현이 바로 Take a toll on someone (or something) 입니다. ‘사람이나 사물에 나쁜 영향을 미치거나, 피해를 주다’ 혹은 ‘누군가를 힘들게 하다’는 뜻으로 사용됩니다.

본문에서 제가 Jason에게 컴퓨터 앞에 너무 오래 있는 건 시력에 안 좋을 거라고 말했습니다. 영어로 “I’ve noticed that you’re working on the computer for long hours everyday. It’s going to take a toll on your eyesight.”라고요. 이렇게 어떤 행동이 부정적인 영향을 가져올 때 쓸 수 있는 표현이 ‘Take a toll on someone (or something)’입니다.

Now let me give you some example sentences using today’s expression. “Having stress could take a toll on your health.”는 “스트레스는 건강을 해롭게 할 수 있다.”로 해석할 수 있습니다. Here is another example sentence. “Driving in heavy traffic everyday takes a toll on me.”라는 문장을 해석하면 “매일 혼잡한 도로에서 운전하느라 지친다” 라는 뜻입니다. ‘Take a toll on something’이 표현 잘 익혀두시고요. 오늘의 대화를 마지막으로 들어보겠습니다. Now that you know what today’s expression means, let’s listen to the conversation for the last time.

Take a toll on someone (or something)
Jen: I’ve noticed that you’re working on the computer for long hours everyday. If you keep doing that it’s going to take a toll on your eyesight.
Jason: Yes, You’re right. It will take a toll on my eyesight. I should try to reduce my time in front of a computer.

Let’s review what we have learned today. ‘Take a toll on someone (or something)’ is to have a bad effect on someone or something. Take a toll on someone (or something). Now try using this expression on your own. 지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO에 Jennifer Yoo입니다. Until next time, bye bye!