Basic training of short-term mission team for the Unreached People group (영어권 2세들을 위한 단기선교 훈련자료)


Basic training of short-term mission team for the Unreached People group

Rev Chung Han Kim SON Ministry / GMAN

1. Exploration Short-term mission team for the unreached People Group

1-1) Exploration team – The team that goes into the field for the first time
Ministry: Gathering information, investigating and understanding culture, spiritual mapping, finding the point of contact in the field, building relationships with the people in the field

1-2) Foundation-building team – The team that builds a base for spreading the gospel in the community using the information gathered by the exploration team.

1-3) Evangelism and ministry team – The team or missionaries that build churches and do long-term ministry when the base and contact point is developed in the community.

2. The bibilical model of the short-term mission for investigating the unreached people group
Biblical model – Numbers Chapter 13
God’s strategy – Made the Isralites explore the land of the unreached people group in Canaan. There was a need to go into the land and gather information firsthand.
Israel needed to know the tribes of the Hittites, Jebusites, Amalekites, Amorites, and Canaanites
Collecting information about cutural habits, religion, military, georgraphy, food, climate and population for the attack

3. Definition of the exploration short-term mission team for the unreached people group

Expoloration of the unreached people group is a short term mission to gather information inorder to spread the gospel to one people group and build churches. The church and people that obey the Lord’s Great Commision develop the team for the purpose of strategic ministry and church participation.

4. Short-term mission for the unreached people group and spiritual battle
Satan hates it when Jesus’ disciples go into the mission field with the information gathered through the exploration. Therefore, it is obvious that Satan tries to hinder the spreading of the Gospel. The members of the mission team needs to pray and be prepared for spiritual battle. The church also needs to participate in the spiritual battle by praying for the team members. They need to pray for the power of Jesus’ blood and name to block the evil spirits that are occupied in the land. They also need to declare that the land belongs to our Lord.

※ If the team has a chance to pray for the sick and evil-possessed while they spread the gospel, they need to be trained to perform prayers of healing and exorcism.

5. Preparation for the exploration short-term mission team for the unreached people group.
5-1) Obtaining entry visa and resolving necessary legal issues for travel
5-2) Preparation of a missionary (interpreter) that knows the land, native culture and language
5-3) Preparation of a clear research purpose, objective and procedure
5-4) Preparation for team work and individual duties in order to do efficient research of the field in the short period
5-5) Preparation for materials needed to present at church after the exploration- video clips, photos, reports, testimonies

6. Practical guidelines for the mission team

6-1) Small number of team members
7-10 people per team is recommended because the small number of people draws less attention. Less than 5 people is recommended for areas which may be dangerous or against Christianity.

6-2) Each team members need experience in short-term mission and understanding of different cultures. They also need to be equipped with spiritual power and prayer for the spiritual battle. The team members need the health and attitude to follow the leader in any situation.

6-3) Team members need basic knowledge about missions and professional research and understanding of the target culture before departing.

6-4) Build strong teamwork through training
Team work needs to be built so that there are no mishaps during the ministry. Each team members need to be assigned clear individual responsibilities and develop specialty in that area.

6-5) Someone that has experience in other cultures and team ministries would be ideal for the team leader. If possible, it is best to have someone that knows the current situation in the target culture.

6-6) Information about the target culture needs to be gathered as much as possible during the training. Information can be gathered through a connected missionary in the field.

6-7) Schedules, lodging and transportation during the mission should be pre-planned through the missionary in the field. A travel agency can be used when there is no missionary available.

6-8) Beware of security issues
If the exploration team is entering an Islamic area or certain areas that are against Christianity, do not use Christian terms when using the internet or phones. Beware of phone-tapping. To avoid possible attacks and be safe, do not act in ways that publicly show Christianity.

6-9) Prepare questions for the field research. Naturally ask the questions in a conversation with a native that is recommended by the missionary in the field. The missionary will recommend someone that is trustworthy or good at English. Carry a notepad so you can record the answers before you forget. Take pictures with permission and care.

6-10) Purchase materials in the field as much as possible (maps, books about the culture and religion, CDs, travel DVDs, souvenirs, costume, musical instruments) for the next team.

6-11) Have an evaluation meeting and prayer time every evening during the mission trip. Take time to follow up what is happening everyday and rearrange the schedule and direction accordingly. This will provide the team with a resolution of mission strategy for the future even if there is no time to meet after coming back from missions.

6-12) Prevent possible problems by avoiding military content when recording research about the field because the team members can be mistaken for a spy if captured by the police or soldiers. Record information in the format of a travel and spiritual journal and it is recommended that you write daily.

6-13) Do not spread the gospel in places that do not allow public evangelism. Be extra careful in Islamic areas. Be careful for the safety of the team and the missionary in the field.

6-14) Before leaving, set up an intercessory prayer team to continually pray for the mission even if the mission team cannot follow up with the intercessory prayer team.

6-15) After coming back, presentation about the mission should be done positively even though not all situations will be positive. We need to present in a positive manner with faith to prepare for the building of the ministry for the unreached people group.

7. Practical things to do during the mission

7-1) Knowing God’s plan
Keep praying to find out what God wants to do and what his strategies during the mission trip. Try to know God’s wish for and calling to individuals and the churches.

7-2) Praying for the spiritual battle- Battles and strategies
Prepare and pray before going into the community right after arrival on the mission field. Find a place with a good view of the area and take time to pray against the evil spirits that occupy it. After arriving at the destination, bless the land by intecessory prayer and for Jesus’ blood to cover the land.

7-3) Creating a spiritual map- Researching for the spiritual battle in the field
What are the names of the gods and evil spirits that the natives worship?
Research the traditional religious rituals and temples
What is the spiritual fortress that traps the natives?
Research about the history, wars, disasters, hurts, and diseases in the area.
What is the position and influence of the spiritual leaders in the community?
What is the connection between their traditional religion and daily life among the common people?

7-4) Research about the fundamentals of social structure through reaseraching the kinship, family members and relationship with the relatives.

Knowing the social structure will help in finding the connection for approaching with the gospel.
Who has the authority and influence?
What is the status of children and women?
What is the culture of marriage like?
What is the understanding of birth and death?

7-5) Research and record contemporary and traditional culture.
Observe contemporary culture and the daily life of the people and visit cultural sites and museums.

8. Understanding the worldview of other cultures

8-1) What other religions are there?
Do they believe in our God?

8-2) How do the parents discipline the behavior of their children?
Do they make their children wash their hands after using the bathroom?
In some African tribes, parents do not allow their children to step on their shadows because their children can be spiritually harmed.

8-3) What is sin to them?
Murder, adultery, stealing.
In some societies, adultery is not considered a sin, but neglecting ancestor worship is considered a sin.

8-4) What do they do during the hard times?
The tribe of Karamo in Uganda sacrifice animals when there is a drought.
In the western world, rain clouds are made artificially

8-5) What are some of the customs?
Infant baptism in Western Christian world
Circumcision for Masai boys and girls at the beginning of puberty

8-6) Who creates the trends in the society?
Who are the heroes in the society? Islamic world- martyrs, Palestine- sucide-bombers
Who is the role model for the young generation?

8-7) What do the people fear the most?
For the Brahmins in India, it is the touching the people of the lower cast
For the Africans, it is walking through the forest at night because they believe that they can be attacked by evil spirits.

8-8) What is wisdom?
Masai: A neck cannot be higher than the head. It means that the son cannot disobey the father.

8-9) What is described in their art?
TV shows, art, music

8-10) What cultural changes do they dislike?
In northeastern Brazil, mothers are reluctant to get medical help even if their children are sick during the month of May because they believe that the month of Saint Mary will bring them luck.

9. Know and study the culture for shor-term mission trip

Politeness – What are the basic rules of politeness and decency?
Greetings – How and when should you say “hello”?
Respect – Who should be shown respect and how?
Body Language – What gestures are rude? Is eye/body contact acceptable?
Physical Contact – What is expected shaking and holding hands, kissing, embracing?
Space – What is personal or public space?
Appearance – What is the appropriate dress code?
Gender – What are the attitudes about women? What are the ways of showing respect to either gender?
Age – Are elders respected? Are there different ways of greeting young and old?
Time – How punctual are you to be? What does ‘now’ mean?
Loyalty – Is loyalty respected? Is nepotism common? Is non-conformity allowed?
Decision making – Are decisions made by individuals, by group, or seemingly by no one?
Hierarchy – Is the hierarchical structure authoritarian and well-defined or participative and loose? Is it democratic or anarchic?
Risk-taking – Is it frowned on?
Emotions – Are emotional expressions acceptable?
Relationships – What are the rules for socializing outside of work?
Social Practices – Is waiting in line the norm? How should you call for attention?
Alcohol – Is its consumption in public likely to project an unfavorable image?
Disagreement openly – Is saving face more important than frankness?
Attitude about work – Is work seen as good itself or merely a means to an end?
Fatalism – Can people really take effective action or is everything ‘God willing’?
Attitude on nature – What respect is shown to animals, trees, watering place?
Law – Does Law exist in the formal sense? Is it respected?

(Adapted from Davis J. and Lambert, R: Engineering in Emergencies. It Publications, London: 1995)

10. Learn the language
Learn 5 new words daily. Learn basic language skills and teach it to the next team: greetings, numbers, time, food names and ordering, showing gratitude, etiquette language between male and female.

11. Research about Christianity
11-1) What are the native’s resistance, hatred and ties to Christianity?
11-2) Are there Christians?
11-3) What is the necessity of community development?
11-4) What can we do with the cooperation of the natives? What do the natives need the most? What are the felt needs? Education of the children, school, medical support (Mobile Clinic), water, food, computer and technology.

12. Other suggestions
12-1) Stay with a host family if possible.
12-2) Wear simple clothes (Do not take anything fancy, caps, walking shoes, jackets, and walking sticks. Try not to draw attention to yourself.)
12-3) Pictures and writing in journals should be done daily in case you forget
12-4) Set up a longterm mission plan for building a church after the short term mission trip.

13. Suggestions for continual ministry after returning
13-1) Listening to God during the mission trip
13-2) Prepare a positive mission report
Take a day or two at a hotel for a final meeting of the team.
13-3) Pray about what you can do for the next ministry
13-4) Think about how you will encourage others and participate in missions at church
13-5) Think about how to create a recruiting system through continually building up the mission teamwork

14. Materials to prepare after the mission trip
14-1) Visual resources: The whole period of the trip and ministry
Use to challenge others to participate in missions
Use for showing of the video clip during the Sunday worship
Make a Korean and English version

14-2) Resources for testimony: Use it when team members go to report on the mission for different groups.
14-3) Mission trip journal: Make it for the use of it as a model for other team members
14-4) Set up the next mission team visits
14-5) If there is a project for the felt needs of the field, suggest how it can be implemented
14-6) Each team member need to be trained so they can become leaders in future mission teams

Conclusion: Find a hole in the target culture that can be used to hang the Gospel
As there is a hole in the wall where you can hang hangers, there are codes in a society for a place to hang the Gospel. Whether it is cultural, spiritual or social, God has already prepared a place for the Gospel to spread. It is the mission of the short term mission team to find that place. The natives, missionaries and the mission team have a common denominator and a place of connection for the Gospel to be spread. This common denominator and place of connection needs to be found.