Where Can We Lean?


진행:유시현 박사

“What a wonderful funeral!” Cindy remarked as we walked out. Helen our friend had died. And friend after friend celebrated her by sharing stories of her all-around fun behavior. But Helen’s life wasn’t all jokes and laughter. Her nephew spoke of her faith in Jesus and her care for others. She had taken him into her home when he was young and struggling. Now in his twenties he said of his Aunt Helen “She was like a mom to me. She never gave up on me in my struggles. I am sure that if it wasn’t for her I would have lost my faith.” Wow! What an influence! Helen leaned on Jesus and wanted her nephew to trust Him too.

In the Old Testament we read that King David took a young man named Mephibosheth into his home with the purpose of showing him kindness for the sake of his father Jonathan (David’s friend who had died; see 2 Sam. 9:1). Years earlier Mephibosheth had been injured when his nurse dropped him as they fled after the news that his father had been killed (4:4). He was surprised that the king would care for him; he even referred to himself as “a dead dog” (9:8). Yet the king treated him as his own son (9:11).

I’d like to be that kind of person wouldn’t you? Someone who cares for others and helps them hang on to faith in Jesus even when life looks hopeless.

Lord You showed the ultimate kindness by rescuing us when we were helpless in our sins. May our lives be marked by kindness so that others will see You in us.