에볼라 환자 업데이트 – WHO


에볼라 환자 업데이트 

Disease update

New cases and deaths attributable to EVD continue to be reported by the Ministries of Health in Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone. Between 7 and 9 August 2014, 69 new cases (laboratory-confirmed, probable, and suspect cases) of EVD and 52 deaths were reported from the four countries as follows: Guinea, 11 new cases and 6 deaths; Liberia, 45 new cases and 29 deaths; Nigeria, 0 new cases and 0 deaths; and Sierra Leone, 13 new cases and 17 deaths.

Confirmed, probable, and suspect cases and deaths from Ebola virus disease in Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone, as of 9 August 2014

New (1) Confirmed Probable Suspect Totals
Cases 11 362 133 11 506
Deaths 6 238 133 2 373
Cases 45 158 306 135 599
Deaths 29 146 125 52 323
Cases 0 0 10 3 13
Deaths 0 0 2 0 2
Sierra Leone
Cases 13 656 37 37 730
Deaths 17 276 34 5 315
Cases 69 1176 486 186 1848
Deaths 52 660 294 59 1013
1. New cases were reported between 7 and 9 August 2014.

The total number of cases is subject to change due to ongoing reclassification, retrospective investigation, and availability of laboratory results. Data reported in the Disease Outbreak News are based on official information reported by Ministries of Health.